Poker tells and tricks

Poker tells is the important one in the poker game. The professional poker pros are using poker tells to won the game. This based on the human psychology which will make to observe the opponent thinking and their next action in the game. So make sure that to observe the actions, reaction, positions. There will be many meaning for each movement in the poker tell_pokertko
When dealer starting to distribute the cards, don’t tempt after you getting your cards which is also a kind of poker tells. So unknowingly don’t give the option to your opponent. Always check your opponent’s game like how they are holding the chips, where they raise and their way of game. Keep observe their mannerism while playing the game. Then don’t look at the flop, try to look at the poker players and see their reactions. These experience will help you to know tells of the opponents. Try to do poker math like what are the cards odd and which one is pot odds. Don’t edge while playing the poker which is important to focus on the poker table.

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